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lots of pop-ups, computer can't find mbam.exe, HELP!!

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Hi, recently (about 3 weeks ago) CA Security Suite (my anti-virus and firewall program) noted that it found a Trojan and had successfully quarantined it. I am sorry but I do not have the name of the trojan it found! I then decided to add an anti-trojan program and found Trojan Guarder Gold first, which found and removed about 20 "virus objects" at first scan and about 6-8 more randomly each week.

Even though I have kept up with these programs daily, about a week ago I started getting annoying pop-ups (which I close using either task manager or right click in the tray and select close). I then added AdAware, and although this found some objects the problem has persisted.

It has since progressed to opening random web pages when I expect to go to a webpage I select, and I know the webpages I regularly go to have never redirected before!

Also since the beginning of the pop-ups my CA Security Suite will not update, it just keeps saying that I need to reboot for security updates to take effect, but the updates NEVER take effect!

So I then found MalwareBytes via CNET Downloads, and tried to install it. Well it installs, but every time I try to run the program either the flashlight search icon comes up and it says mbam.exe not found, or I get errors and exceptions.

I tried to follow some of the directions in other topics posted here but I realize that they are very specific to each computer and problem, so I thought I would ask for help instead of ruining my computer further!

By the way, I am a novice at best, so I apologize in advance!!!

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Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

Alternately, you may contact our helpdesk and someone can work through this issue with you via e-mail.

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