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Don't know if this is still Malware so


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Hey there. As in the subject, i don't know exactly if this is the correct sub-forum to post this too. If i should post it somewhere else, please let me know. Also apologies for the long story, but i guess the more detail the better.

This morning, while browsing a website, suddenly a number of things happened. Acrobat Reader suddenly started up, even although i did not clicked on a pdf file. Then, i got a pop-up asking me if i wanted to install Windows security center Malware removal tool. I tried clicking the window away, as i knew this was almost certainly malware. The pop-up kept coming though, and suddenly the program started to install itself. At that moment, Avira Antivirus kept notifying me of infections and i knew i had a problem at that time. Pop-ups kept coming up and in a kind of panic i unplugged my network cable and restarted my pc.

When restarted, Avira Antivirus would not start. I was being asked if i wanted to register my new producs (the Malware tool from 'microsoft' that is), which i of course declined. I tried several times to run Avira, but everytime i tried to do that i got a message that there was an error. When going to the control panel to remove Avira (and reinstall it), i got blue screens. Finally, using google i got on this website. I downloaded Antimalware from this site. But couldn't run it (same error as when i tried to tun Avira). I then used a trick i found on this website, and renemaed the file to winlogon.exe. Anti-malware did run then, recognized infected files and fake anti-malware programs and quarantined them. After restarting, i deleted these files, did an extensive scan and Anti-malware foudn nothing.

So far so good i thought, and this should be the end of my problems.

However, now i still have some problems and i haven't got a clue what to do now. I removed and reinstalled my Avira Antivirus, as i thought having an active anti-virus would be the best thing to get started again. Installation went great, but the program still does not want to start. This is weird i think, as it is a complete new installation. Furthermore, after closing Internet Explorer, i suddenly got an advertisement out of my boxes. So not a pop-up, but a kinf of radio advertisement. The website i browsed had absolutely nothing to do with that, i am sure about that.

Now i am concerned. Concerned that suddenly 'something' started to run out of the blue, concerned to start a program in which i have to logon without my anti-virus program active and concerned i'm still 'being watched' by a hacker of keylogger or something.

I hope you have any advice. Tx for that in advance.

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Welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :)

You may have an out-dated version of Adobe Reader, and this is a common way to become infected unfortunately :) If you are out of date, your helper in the forum will be able to help you correct that somewhere along in the process. It may not be a good idea to update it prior to your posting in the forum, otherwise I would normally advise you to do so.

In the future, if you have something like this happen again, use ctrl + alt + del and terminate the popup/your browser with task manager, and do NOT use the red X - this can actually further the installation of malicious software.

Also, please do not do any online banking or anything else very important on your machine until it is clean. Please change any passwords you have from another computer (if you have access) that you trust that is clean.

That being said, you may be still infected with something.

Please read the following and someone will be along to assist you as soon as possible. Please be aware though if it is busy in the forum that you're being asked to post in, it could take 48 hours or more to get a reply, so please be patient :) Also, please do not reply to your own post asking for help again unless its been 48 hours or more, as this can make it appear as though you are getting help already when you are not, so try to be sure that you've included all you need to include in your post. :)

We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums.

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Also, as a side note please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person before you said, as this makes the forum easier to read.

Thank you :)

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One important thing I forgot, and I hope that you see this - if at all possible, try not to use any website other than this one and any sites that your helper needs you to go to since your Avira is not currently working correctly.

I'd also advise disconnecting the computer from the internet as well if at all possible except while you are on the forum.

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