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Follina MSDT Mitigation


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The Malwarebytes Business Support FAQ page for Follina mitigation mentioned manually adding sdiagnhost.exe as a new protected application within policies for immediate mitigation. The June 6 Nebula release notes include Malwarebytes adding "support against the zero-day "Follina" exploit." While the release notes didn't detail the changes, I see that the sdiagnhost.exe application has been automatically added and enabled for all Nebula policies, which were updated by Malwarebytes on June 6.



Were there any other Follina-focused changes made as part of that June 6 release? Also, by having sdiagnhost.exe present on the protected application list, should we expect any changes in Windows behavior? How does Malwarebytes' enforcement of this protected application layer compare to Microsoft's recommended mitigations?

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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes Business section of the forum

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Please note that if you do need direct support, please create a support ticket from the following link.

Business Support


Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team



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