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paycomplete.com is blocked, which is False Positive

Go to solution Solved by JPopovic,

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Please unlock https://paycomplete.com site. Scanning by VirusTotal and sucuri.net doesn't show any trojan



Log from Malwerbytes Browser Guard:


{"@timestamp": "2022-01-10T10:46:37.676Z", "session": "1641811570449", "message": "ANY: Just matched 'paycomplete.com' in database: mbgc.db.trojan.2", "level": "INFO"}
{"@timestamp": "2022-01-10T10:46:37.676Z", "session": "1641811570449", "message": "OM: (PAGE_BLOCK) malware (trojan) match found on https://paycomplete.com/ for https://paycomplete.com/. ", "level": "INFO"}


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