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False Positive


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The following message received when entering www.irsshop.co.uk. I believe this to be a false positive as it is not being picked up by other virus checkers.

As far as I am aware the only other users of this site that are having problems are those using Malwarebytes. Could you investigate further please.





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Hides blocked website warnings from Malwarebytes Premium for users with both Malwarebytes Browser Guard and Premium enabled.

Website blocked due to trojan

Website blocked: www.irsshop.co.uk

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain malware activity.

We strongly recommend you do not continue.

Do not block this site again for malware

What is trojan?
Trojans are programs that claim to perform one function but actually do another, typically malicious. Trojans can take the form of attachments, downloads, and fake videos/programs and, once active on a system, may do a number of things, including stealing sensitive data or taking control of the device.
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