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Removal request for paste.c-net.org

Go to solution Solved by JPopovic,

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We are receiving reports that users of Malwarebytes can't access the pastebin at https://paste.c-net.org/
We tested this outselves with the trial version, and attached the log.
We have recently implemented automatic scanning of all binary uploads using VirusTotal, replacing our previous automated malware scanner.

Just like WeTransfer, DropBox, MegaUpload, or any other website that allows file sharing, we do not control what users upload. Similar to these sites, we automatically scan all uploads and flag them as soon as possible if malware is detected.
The following message will be displayed to users if a file is flagged, which includes no way to side step the protection and proceed anyway. Example flagged paste: https://paste.c-net.org/GiovanniKismet
Feel free to upload a malware sample and test this feature. Please keep in mind that it can take a minute or two for VirusTotal to complete the scan and flag the file.

If you are aware of any not flagged uploads on the pastebin, please let us know.
Otherwise, pretty please do not block the entire pastebin? Let's make sending a file to someone a simple process? Ref: https://xkcd.com/949


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The domain is blocked due to these malicious files:



Virus Total file detection:




Please remove them all and let us know so we can remove the block after.

Thank you!

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We will of course happily remove these files, but we humbly ask you to explain why you believe a text file containing a certificate should be flagged.
We do not currently scan plain text files, only binaries.

Nothing bad will happen to a user of any browser by clicking on this certificate. It is a text file, and it is always treated as such.
If I were to post this certificate on pastebin.com, would you flag it? If I paste it into this forum thread, would this post be flagged? What if it was posted as a story on Facebook?

No offense intended, please. We are merely trying to understand your thinking here.

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