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Blacklist removal request

Go to solution Solved by JPopovic,

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Hello, please remove studyhalltracker.com and all sub-domains.  I had a user report that they have been blocked for a few days now.  I installed the Chrome plugin and am seeing the same thing.  I can pass it on mine, but the other user doesn't have the option.  

Is there a way to find out why it is being blocked in the first place?  I saw this link in another thread and ran it for my domain, but it doesn't find anything:  https://quttera.com/detailed_report/www.studyhalltracker.com  I ran the same for a sub-domain a client would use and it returned as clean, aside from a redirect from http to https.  I'd be happy to make any updates to the code if I knew what was causing it.

Thanks for your help!


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