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Yet more false positives

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Our site, which I'd prefer to reference only in private correspondence since I don't know if 'bad actors' study this forum with malintent, keeps being flagged in VirusTotal and thus by yourselves as Malicious despite a rebuild on a new host and with a clean bill of health from all internal host-level detection, and major security vendors.  Each time we go through the effort of getting reclassified this is done almost at the drop of a hat and without us making any changes suggesting very strongly that the original classification was applied maliciously. However we then find a different set of vendors will classify us us malicious. We feel as if we he have found ourselves on a list and there's a merry-go-round of false categorisations by some of these vendors. Some, such as CyRadar, as you'll no doubt be aware by now from countless other similar requests, are impossible to contact and achieve a re-classification.

How do you validate that there is merit in these classifications ? This has serious reputational effects on companies such as ours and should not be accepted prima facie!

How do we get you to perform a more insightful assessment, perhaps (and not limited to ) relegating certain vendors to a status whereby they don't trigger a site as being dangerous ?

Please contact me directly for our website.

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