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Blacklist Removal New Clean Site hxxps://www.maritimelaunch.com/

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Hello we took over hxxps://www.maritimelaunch.com/ from another company and built a new website from the ground up on new servers. 

The only thing matching the previously infected site is the domain name. We are requesting the removal of the warnings users are reporting to us.


Any and all help is appreciated. 




Zack J



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1 minute ago, ops_aptitude_digital said:

Hello we took over hxxps://www.maritimelaunch.com/ from another company and built a new website from the ground up on new servers. 

The only thing matching the previously infected site is the domain name. We are requesting the removal of the warnings users are reporting to us.


Any and all help is appreciated. 




Zack J



"Many years ago the site was compromised. It is a completely new website on a new server. We are confident that it is clean."
We are looking at having this warning removed. Apologies that it was not in the original pos

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