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Another Possible False Positive? (steam.mmoscv.com)

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Hi, I was just browsing a small forum, and when I went to a specific page on said forum, Malwarebytes threw up a blocking notification for a certain "hxxps://steam.mmoscv.com" website supposedly due to "phishing". The forum page itself loaded seemingly in its entirety, and it took me a while to find exactly WHAT this url was connecting to, but I found an image file in one person's forum signature which appeared to be unable to load (said image itself also was a hyperlink to a community page for the Steam gaming service, further convincing me that this was indeed the thing that was blocked). Pretty sure Steam doesn't do that whole "phishing" thing, and Google Safe Search said that the blocked URL in question is totally safe, so I'm under the impression this is yet another weird random false-positive


Attached is the MWB report, once again


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