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Security Tool rogue virus

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A rogue virus that calls itself Security Tools Anti Virus software, has installed itself on my desktop. It has disabled Task Manager and Registry. I cannot execute or open any files on this PC anymore. A message prompting to buy the software keeps popping up. It also keeps opening windows with supposed threats. I am not even able to start the computer in Safe Mode. I even copied file mbamsetup.exe on another computer, renamed it and copied it onto a USB key to transfer it to the infected desktop computer.

I've known about other similar viruses out there that take for example the beeping computer. I've searched on internet and am unable to find adequate information about this particular one called Security Tools.

Can someone please help me with resolution of this issue? Has someone else come across this particular virus before?

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I tried installaing HijackThis, but was unable to. I even tried renaming the file on download before saving it to the computer. I was still unable to install it. I also tried executing Win32kDiag.exe, however once more was unable to. In all the instances where I've tried to open a file or run any of the above mentioned diagnostics, the file opens and then closes within a couple seconds.

Can someone please help?

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this is just an FYI

this Secure Tool rogue is infecting my XP PC now too. (i detected it on 4 Oct 2009) I haven't tried to remove it yet, I'm trying to learn about it before I try a Counterattack.

It appears to put a false desktop in front of the real one. I see my real desktop for split second before the malware screens it, and i seems to have disable all my protection software including malwarebytes

I'll post more as I wade into it

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Hi fester

Thank you for the response. My computer got the virus on 4th October 2009 as well. I've seen a few other posts on the same issue on or around the same day. I can see my desktop if I right click on the screen and select "Show Desktop". I've disconnected the infected computer from internet and haven't tried anything since my last post. Please keep me posted on your progress. I will post here if I am able to find any solution.

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I've likewise disconnected the infected PC from the internet

I can boot in safe mode but Malwarebytes won't even run from safe mode.

AVG & Nod32 will run but neither one even finds an infection.

So I suspect that Mbam is a threat to this thing and that's why it is suppressing it so aggressively

I'm going to take another run at reinstalling Mbam with cryptic aliases this weekend and see if that helps me get the tongs on it. This is a NASTY infection, i clean PCs and a large network in my day job and I can tell you this is a a sophisticated type of attack.


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