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Domain blocked by malwarebytes, how to fix it?


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On last monday I opened a topic about this domain, mob-track.com.

We noticed that our domain is currently being flagged by malwarebytes Browser Guard.

Last topic was closed with status "solved" but we still without getting info about problem to solve them. Is important to us solve this problem and remove this domain from malwarebytes blacklist, a URL will be usefull in order to make validation and correction of the problem. 

We appreciate any help you can provide to solve this problem and hope to hear from you soon.

    -domain: hxxps://mob-track.com

Best regards,

Kevin Duarte

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  • Staff

Hello Kevin,

This is a legit detection as you are redirecting users to -


which is using scare tactics to get users to purchase the VPN (VPN Update title, youtube imitation gif in the background)


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