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MalwareBytes false positive trojan detection on client site

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My name is Andrei Iacob, head of operations at Cloud.IQ. Our company provides user behaviour analytics, site enhancements and re-marketing tools for online merchants.

Starting late last week, some of our clients reported to us that they have been receiving notifications from malwarebytes regarding a trojan, related to our cdn: paypal-us-cdn.cloudiq.com

We scan and monitor our tools and software daily, using tools such as Snyk, Sonarqube and the full Google Cloud security suite. In addition to that, we take the security of our client's customer data very seriously, as well as the security of the tools we provide for our clients. We can guarantee that the detection is a false positive, and would thus like to ask for it to be whitelisted.

As a side note - I was unable to create an account on the forums using my work email address, tied to the cloudiq / cloud-iq domains. The error message simply stated that I cannot use that email on this forum. This leads me to believe that, potentially due to the false positive detection mentioned above, our company's domain is blacklisted by Malwarebytes. Could I ask for that to be reviewed as well? 

This is a very significant issue for us at Cloud.IQ, as clients who use Malwarebytes refuse to engage with our products as long as there are security warnings coming through, and they do not want their customers experiencing any issues related  to that as well. 

Please do let me know if you require any more details to investigate, as well as, if at all possible, an approximate timeline for resolution. I am attaching screenshots received from our clients to this post.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Best regards,

Andrei Iacob



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1 hour ago, andreiiacob said:


Could you please let me know if this has been actioned yet? Our clients are getting rather anxious and, if possible, I would like to be able to give them an update!

Thank you in advance and best regards,

Andrei Iacob

Hello Andrei,

The block has been removed on 2020-10-27. Are you still experiencing the block?
If yes, pease try updating the database and let us know if that helps.

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