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Very long extra and heuristics scan time

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I installed the paid version of MBAM on my desktop, my notebook, my daughters desktop and my mother-in-laws desktop. MBAM's quick scans run in just a few minutes on all of the computers except my notebook. The registry and file scans complete in just a few minutes but the "extra and heuristics" portion of the scan continues for about an hour on my notebook. I have the exact same files and configuration on my desktop and notebook (I travel every week and it is simply a portable version of my desktop). The notebook has a AMD Athlon Dual Core X2 QL-60 processor with 2 GB of RAM with Window XP Service Pack 3 and is fairly fast with all the programs I run. Avast antivirus, MBAM and Spybot scans are all clean. Does anybody know why the MBAM quick scan might be taking so much longer on my notebook.

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@ Russell2005

Hello and welcome to the forums!

Have you cleaned out your temp files? This might be a cause.

Take a look here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=133254 and read about the different temp cleaners available for free. Keep scrolling down the page and reading, there's about a page of replies, won't take too long to read :D

If this is not your problem, I am not sure what it could be, someone else should be able to step in here and help you figure this out as soon as someone is available.

Also, just as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.

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@ Russell2005


That might have something to do with it, but I have no idea.

Hopefully someone else who might know steps in here - that was the only thing I could think of that could possibly have anything to do with it.

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