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It appear that in the process of doing work on my tower, I received a virus, or several. It came at the bottom that I had a virus, need to run an antivirus software. It kept bringing up Microsoft 'anti virual' something or other. I kept stopping it and was going to d/l spy doctor but then decided to d/l spy terminator. I was still able to get on the internet as well as download the spyware killer. My previous experience with malware it deleted some programs at work so I didn't want to try that initially.

In this process of doing that, I rebooted my tower. When it was rebooted, the background changed to 'warning you have virus' can be get in emails, yadda yadda the typical virus information for you to but something. At this point, a program named 'total security' kept attempting to run. Also, there is no access to open anything. I could not open the anti spyware nor any other program. I attempted time and time to open the control panel, the antispyware, MS DOS anything. NOTHING.

I realized it was going to be harder then I thought, so I downloaded Anti Malware onto a flash drive. I put it into the USB port only to not let it open either. I rebooted again and then it said the task manager was disabled by the administrator. Last time I checked I WAS the administrator.

Needless to say I am stuck after attempting several things. My BIGGEST question is how to force run a program so I can get malware to fix it. OR how can I open MS DOS to run it and how can I do that being I am unable to open anything even in an external HD situation.

Thank anyone in advance who can help me....


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