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Hi there,

Just introducing myself as im a newbie to the forum , i found it after hours of searching for a cure to the stupid malaware program that apears to redirect you to some crappy windowsclick site and wont let you open Malawarebytes or any other decent spyware/virus removal program. I could open adware and AVG so it just shows they are pish !!!! Anyway just wanted to thank you for making MB as ive had it now for 2 years and only the last few days its been the first time MB could not save my PC and a full reboot done to only get the same problem (It a site that gives music free, yes I will learn lesson) but always fully protectedup this Mofo got into me again after a 4 hours full reinstall .

I joined tonight as i was at the point of having to paste the usual HJT log and ask for help but im pretty clued up after a few years of doing stuff like this , but after 4 hours of drinking strongbow cider and the patience of an angel i managed to find good instructions here and as im doing my second scan on my Desktop (im on lappy) it looks like all the crap has gone.

It was one of these clever pop up pretending to be an AVG and click here , but its the toughest bugger in a good 5 years ive came across.

I waffle but just wanted to say MB got rid off it so thanks , I cant really be part of the forum much as im not as well gifted as most of you chaps with code and all that , i fix aircraft and do the war thing and having a good PC to send a message home tot he wifie when im overseas is important to me , so thanks guys

keep up the good work

Robsta :)

ps i have by the looks of it done the MB scan , ill do antispyware one when i get it to work , is there anyway I can do a final check to ensure the malaware has been removed totally . Since my full wipe and reinstall ive done minimal internet action. Second scan just finished and it says according to MB im clean and free :)

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ps i have by the looks of it done the MB scan , ill do antispyware one when i get it to work , is there anyway I can do a final check to ensure the malaware has been removed totally . Since my full wipe and reinstall ive done minimal internet action. Second scan just finished and it says according to MB im clean and free :)

Hi and welcome to the forum! :) You could post your Trend Micro HJT log in this forum and wait for an expert to give it a look over. They are very busy right now and it could take a couple days for them to get to it. Just give a quick explanation and post the log along with your latest MBAM scan :)

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