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explorer.exe what is it?

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Does anyone know what explorer.exe is?

I am going to run this tool:


(flash uninstaller) and I just want to know what it is and/or if its a part of internet explorer or not and if it should be terminated.

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Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it.

Good thing I asked first <_<

Edit: Just did my uninstaller then reinstalled flash - no problems :unsure:

That explorer is THE explorer, your desktop and icons, in a sense the master browser for Windows.

It's best to leave that process alone.

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What do you mean by good practice, just so I know how to do it?

I don't need to do this to run the Adobe uninstaller tool though do I?

Actually it would be good practice to turn it off

With task manager already open you can shut down and reboot or better yet under file choose new task and then browse to the windows folder and turn it back on.

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ah, okay. I thought you meant I should do it for this uninstaller and was a little confused.

That does sound like a good idea <_< maybe when you have some more time you could give me some more detailed instructions that I can save on how to do that? :unsure:

Yes, the uninstall went okay. I uninstalled the new Flash player version that I had just installed, restarted, ran the uninstall tool, reinstalled Flash, restarted, everything seems fine :angry:

Malware or an attempt to clean it up often disables explorer running

The uninstall went OK? I just loaded the Firefox and IE new versions.

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