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Our Company Website is being blocked


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  • 3 weeks later...


My understanding after reading through your material about reasons to be blocked that there is criteria that has to be met in order to be labeled as “fake tech support” I would like to address all four


#1 Pretends to be working for Microsoft, ‘Windows’ or Malwarebytes.

We have never pretended to be working for microsoft or malwarebytes in the history of the company. It is trained right from the moment an agent is hired that to say or represent yourself as anything but Rush Tech Support is a firable offense. We set in place strict Q and A on all the agents calls to make sure that nothing of this nature is used in any of our calls’

#2 Uses misleading tactics to force a sale

We do not use misleading tactics to ever force a sale and if there is no issue with the computer the customer is politely told the truth and let off the phone with the option that if they choose to opt in for service they are more than welcome to give us a call back. We have never used any event viewer fear tactics that we know are prevalent in the industry and pride ourselves on our integrity and commitment to the customer.

#3 Finds viruses, malware or an infection on a perfectly clean system.

We would and have never told the customer that they had a virus, malware, or infection on the computer if they did not. If a system is clean the customer is informed that its running appropriately and is let go. I feel that it's not right that we be pigeonholed into “ fake tech support” based on the fact that we are a remote tech support company as opposed to a decision based on our merits and ability to make the customer happy. We perform an honest service and if the customer is not happy we make sure we do whatever it takes to make sure they are.

#4 Validates a fraudulent popup or page as legitimate

We have never used pop up advertisement nor any other form of tech trap advertising to make a sale. By never I mean never. It's something we have never believed in and worked hard to be able to make organic and happy reoccurring customers year in and year out.

I close with this, the idea that we are a “fake tech support company” holds no merit and in turn is flat out insulting. If your findings are based off fact that would be a completely different story. But I know wholly and fully that we have great technicians who have learned a skilled trade, that they are proficient and more than capable of handling all of the customers issues without being misleading or sketchy. We take pride in what we do and just hope that you will at least make sure that your decision is based off of the truth and as far this criteria that you have labeled we dont fit into any of it.

Thank you for your time

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