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Breach Forums [FALSE POSITIVE]


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Hi, I am the sites owner. Regardless of the controversial (yet fully legal) content being hosted on Breach Forums, there is no reason as to why the forum should be blocked.                         Link (for reference): http://breachforums.com/

The site does not directly host any downloads. All downloads are hosted on third party software, which clearly poses no thread to any MalwareBytes users who are simply browsing the forum. There is no malware hosted on the forums and we follow a 0 toleration policy when it comes to the safety of our users. A lot of users have had to uninstall MalwareBytes to actually use my forum, and this is not good news for us, or for you.

Please do us both a favor and remove the block.

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1 hour ago, Dashke said:

Hello Daemon,

Can you please provide us the protection log? :)

You'll have to excuse me as I don't understand what that log is. I'm assuming it is a malware bytes reference, but I do not use this software. I am here to have the block lifted as many users on the forum are complaining about it.

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