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Website block on


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Hi there,

I run gmass.co, a mail merge tool for Gmail. Starting this morning I have users telling me that Malwarebytes is blocking access to the site (and I have replicated the issue also), declaring it malicious. Because GMass is an email marketing tool, we do handle click-tracking redirects and occasionally a phisher will use GMass to redirect to a phishing form. We disable the redirects when we become aware of them. Below is the information requested. I hope you will unblock gmass.co please. If there is a phisher that I'm unaware of, let me know and I'll terminate the account.

  • IP address
  • Excerpt of the protection log (or screenshot of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware blocking the website)
    Screenshot of Malwarebytes blocking the site: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ye5w9sr4mfltj1g/Screenshot 2017-05-05 09.54.16.png?dl=0
  • Hostname/URL (when posting the site/URL/domain name, DO NOT post it as a link, please replace http with hxxp. Live links will be disabled)


Also just FYI, gmass.co was blocked on March 9, 2017, and after I reported the issue here, it was unblocked. But now looks like the block has re-surfaced.

Edited by AGoel
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