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My computers are sending e-mails to people in China during the night...I found out by the MAILER DAEMON messages the next morning as most bounce, i.e. mailbox full, account canceled, SPAM etc.

I use AOL, going into the SENT mail folder I find multiple e-mails to addresses in China (and in Chinese... only the recipient address is in English, the title and body are in Chinese) sent from my PC...with an attached 6.7kb file.

I have used MALWAREBYTES for a year or two with great success...I updated mine and ran the full scan, which found the usual small assortment of relatively benign ad tracking etc which were blocked and deleted.

Today still seeing e-mails to China and MAILER DAEMON messages...

Anyone familiar with this and how do I kill it off? Up to this point I do not see it affecting the working of my PC but....


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