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Hi! Apparently one of the oldest and loved websites out there, livescore.com, fell under some filtering and blocking under the Malwarebytes 3.0.6 Premium version's Web Protection module. I tried putting the parent domain and even subdomains in the exclusion list but it didn't help. Tested this with multiple other browsers, same result. Disabling Web Protection module resolves this issue, but I don't want to do that every time I visit this website. Could you please look into what ?

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5 hours ago, Dashke said:

Hello nocrass,

Can you please post the protection log here so we can take a look at it? :)

Hi Dashke,

The problem is it is not showing up there. 

The problem has something to do with dns cache for this website when the web protection module is on. I attached the way the website is loaded with that module off and on. No matter what i tried (dns flush, tweaks in browser settings, etc) it still remains an issue.

Livescore block 1.PNG

Livescore block 2.PNG

Edited by nocrass
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