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Dear Support,

in the moment i use the Endpoint Security Version in my testlab. I cant find documentation about to exclude, in this case over policy.

Is it normal that the  maximum amount of entries are limited? I need to create a exclusion list for Kaspersky applications. Did you have any recommendations?


Thanks for your help.

Best regards, André

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  • Staff

Hello Ajwh,


Sorry for the delay in this. I want to first make sure you have the link to our admin guide. This goes into a bit of where to find the exclusions in the policy and how to configure them:



For the maximum entries, are you receiving an error when putting in exclusions? If possible, can you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing? 

For recommendation of Kaspersky exclusions, it is usually best to reach out to them for the most up to date list of exclusions for their product. For reccomendations, excluding their program files directory and any related driver they have is usually the best option. I don't have a list of those, so simply ignoring the program files directory of kaspersky is a good step until you can confirm with them on exclusions. 

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