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web protection

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  I've just had this problem. But in a different way.  Sort of.

  Booted up my P.C. and everything is ok.  The Red exclamation mark appears but after a few seconds it disappears.

  BUT,  This morning I've just done a quick FIX NOW from Norton Internet Security and about half way through the scan I got the dreaded pop up about Web Protection being turned off.

  Window 7 Home Premium 64 bit.   I've just added the mentioned exclusions to the firewall in the above post and, so far :rolleyes:,  it seems to be ok after another quick scan from N.I.S.  Maybe just be coincidence that its working.  Let you know if it isn't.

   What I'm noticing now though is that the MBam icon sometimes isn't showing up in the bottom right of the task bar, (by the clock).  Took a few reboots to get it back.  Grrrrrr

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