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Over the years I have had problems with malware and have had significant problems removing it. Sometimes I had to reinstall my operating system. That's all over now that I have found Malwarebytes. It found all the problems that Symantec End Point couldn't. I really like the idea that you let me use the program before I bought it. Most other programs let you go through to the removal stage and then tell you to buy it or you can't remove the viruses. Your program is the best thing I have done for my computer......Thank you.

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Over the years I have had problems with malware and have had significant problems removing it. Sometimes I had to reinstall my operating system. That's all over now that I have found Malwarebytes. It found all the problems that Symantec End Point couldn't. I really like the idea that you let me use the program before I bought it. Most other programs let you go through to the removal stage and then tell you to buy it or you can't remove the viruses. Your program is the best thing I have done for my computer......Thank you.

We feel that it is very unethical to require a person to enter their critical personal info in a PC that is confirmed to be compromised . There is no question that some identity theft victims had their info stolen this way .

It is always nice to hear from the people we are helping , thank you for your kind words :D

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