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sms thief alert

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Is this a new device, or recently updated?  Given WHERE the app resides, it is probably part of the build.  You would need a rooted device and one of those system app remover programs to remove it, but you SHOULD be able to go into app settings and DISABLE it.  THAT would at least get it to stop doing whatever it does, since whatever it does is NOT something you want you phone to be doing.

App Info:  FORCE STOP, WIPE THE CACHES, DISABLE, all that stuff.

 Samsung is usually better about such things but that doesn't exactly help you in this situation :(

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What Android version is on the phone ?  I have had MUCH better rooting success with "KingoRoot" NOT TO BE CONFUSED with "King Root" - KINGOROOT is what you want, and try the downloadable APK version first, before trying the Windows based rooter, and as always, YOU ARE PROCEEDING AT YOUR OWN RISK.  IF THIS SOMEWHOW SENDS YOUR PHONE TO THE MOON, ALL I CAN DO IS OFFER YOU APOLOGIES AND A TELESCOPE. I also note I am not sure how it would work on a Marshmallow rather than Lollipop device, as I don't yet have any Marshmallows to try it with.  CyanogenMod 13.1, even though it is based on Marshmallow, doesn't count, since it comes pre-rooted.

If you are therefore paranoid about bricking the thing, just DISABLE the app.  Won't do anyone any good to turn a phone into a paperweight.  SILLY QUESTION:  have you considered asking Samsung product support about it?

Good Luck.

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Glad to help.  Many people get carried away with the whole rooting thing, and an important point to be aware of is that a rooted device may NOT be able to receive future OTA updates from the vendor.  MY limited experience with this is that an attempt to update the rooted device bricked it, well at least semi-bricked it, so I had to re-install the original firmware, update it, then re-root it.  So unless you are comfy with the notion of flashing, re-flashing, and generally "futzing" with devices at this level, if it isn't broke, don't fix it.

KINGOROOT, by the way, will easily root Android 5.1.1 devices. Personal success rate with it is 100%

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