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Possible malware


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I've had MBAM running for a long time and upgraded to Premium 9/27/16. I'm not receiving any entries in the Quarantine from my nightly scans. However I am having an issue with receiving Spam with my email address as the source of the Spam. I change the password to my email account and within 12 hours I am once again receiving spam with my email address as the source address. My email ISP says I have an issue with my computer and MBAM doesn't detect any issue.

This may or may not be related: When I right click on the MalwareBytes Icon in the tool tray to open the console, last weekend it had a line in the menu like this: Add (microsoft.com-00005/info) to Web Exclusions, today it has: Add (t.frtyg.com) to Web Exclusions - from what I can tell these are both malicious sites. Why would I be asked to add them to the Web Exclusions?

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