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Microsoft Office default programmes


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Hi all - hope somebody can help me with this.

I have recently had a new hard drive and have Microsoft Office 2013.

When I try to open a MS document (powerpoint/excel etc.,) from File Explorer it doesn't automatically open - in fact nothing happens.  So I go to Open with - and go through the process to choose the default programme, but the MS Office files do not appear.

So I went to settings, system, default apps and still can't locate the MS Office files. 

I have found C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013 and in there are shortcuts to all of the ms office apps. (clicking on those shortcuts does open the programme) 

But I still need to add them to the default programmes - so I checked the properties for the shortcut which show for example PowerPoint 2013 is in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\officec2rclient.exe" /launch "root\Office15\POWERPNT.EXE"

However, when I navigate to that folder (open file location) there are just a load of application extensions (and some applications, xml documents and a text document in there.  I can't see the actual programmes so can't navigate to there to add as default programmes.

Hope this all makes sense and would be very grateful for anyone who can help.


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Hi @kristell:

What version of Windows?

It looks as if you have Office 2013 Click-to-Run:

Who installed Windows and MS Office on this new hard drive (you or a computer tech or a repair shop)?

We will probably need more info (e.g. Diagnostic Logs), but please let us know the answers to those 2 questions, for starters.


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Hi - appreciate your very swift response.


Yes Windows 10.  My IT man installed for me.  Also - (not sure if I can post this here and now) my DVD/CD drive isn't being recognised - put a disk in yesterday and it just won't find it.

Office 2013 Click to Run comes up in the default programmes, but obviously, I need the individual programmes.  Happy to do any logs you need.

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First suggestion, especially if you paid for this service: take the computer back and have the "IT man" fix what is not working.
If you paid for the new hard drive installation, Windows install and program install, then everything should be working properly, including your internal hardware (optical drive -- sounds as if he forgot to install drivers?).

If he is unwilling or unable to bring the computer to working order, I would ask for a refund and go somewhere else.



Edited by daledoc1
minor clarification
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I didn't ask him to install the Microsoft office - I did that myself as I get it from work on the Microsoft Home Use Program.  I have already contacted him regarding the disk drive.  Is there anything you can suggest about the Microsoft Office default programmes and how I can get them to show up?

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Thanks for the update.

First, please tell us:

  • Is Windows fully patched and properly activated?  (To tell us your Windows version, please refer to this tutorial HERE and post a screen shot)
  • Is MS Office fully patched and properly activated? (See HERE and post a screen shot)
  • How did you install MS Office -- from a DVD or from a download?
  • How many times have you activated MS Office with this same Key, including this particular installation?

Next, please follow the advice here and attach all 3 logs to your next reply: Diagnostic Logs

While you are waiting for someone to review the logs, you might want to see if anything here helps:


Sometimes, these associations need to be created at multiple different levels in Windows 10 (control panel/settings, by file type, by protocol, etc.).



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