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I'm new and need help

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I have had what I think is About Blank infiltrare my computer for quite some time. I run About Buster when this occurs, however, it comes back at a later time. The About Blanl seems to come in when I am using e-bay and/or Pay Pal. I do not think I have had any problems with Identity theft or anything else but I do not know for sure. I have the About Buster log from the last time I ran it and have tried to upload it to Malwarebytes but was not successful. Can anyone help me with this problem? Any suggestions? Thanks fo ranything you can do for me.

After writing the above I again tried to upload the AB lailed. The upload failed and the following message was displayed: Please ask the administrator to ensure the uploads directory is available. I am not sure who the administrator is and do not know how to contact them. Please help. Thanks Dennis

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Hi Dennis and welcome to Malwarebytes. Members are not allowed to upload files. Any logs you will be asked to post should be copied and pasted into your post. AboutBuster is outdated.

Please get HiJack This unzip it to a folder you create C:\HiJack This and run a scan, then post the results here in this thread.

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