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I have bought a very expensive  piece of software from Synergy Homeopathic, which is used in my business. It is important for me and I am trying to insure that neither anti exploit or Malwarebytes interprets it as malware. I needs to occasionally update itself. It is critical that it does not get "shut down", since this can cost me some money. I am NOT very tech savy.

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Hello mogo,

Thank you for using our forums!!  Could you please upload a copy of the files (mainly the main .exe) file that you are concerned about being detected as malware and or is being detected upon scans, or being blocked.  Then we will be able to ensure to be remove them from the database to prevent it from being blocked or detected on any machine that it is installed on.

In the meantime, to ensure that it does not get blocked, you can add it to the Exclusion List.  That will tell MalwareBytes not to scan or to monitor that particular file, or folder depending on which you exclude, it is safer to only exclude the .exe so MalwareBytes can still ensure the rest of the files remain clean..

Upon replying back with the files to the software to ensure they do not get targeted, if you could also provide your latest scan/Protection logs...

Please follow the links below which will explain in more detail how to submit your samples and the logs that we need...  

Please reference the following on how to provide sample submissions such that Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) can detect targeted but presently undetected threats.

-Purpose of this forum 

-Malware Hunters group 

I look forward to hearing from you,

Perry Bonnell

Edited by perryb
Needed to correct grammatical error's.
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Thank you for the kind response. Unfortunately the " program " is HUGE and copyrighted ( 2-3 gigs I believe). I really did not have issues with a prior download, but it cost me  over $4000.00, so I am trying to do what I can not to insure  this time that it does not  occur in the future, since patient files are at risk.

again, Thank you,


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Hello mogo,

I understand..  If you should notice them being detected in the future please let us know, and just 'cancel' the scan if they are found detected to prevent deletion or modification to them..  Again, you can always add the entire folder, or single files to the excluded list, but that would prevent them being scanned.  If perhaps you would get infected with a file infector which would infect all files from which would be on the particular partition Windows and other programs are installed..  Should they be detected in the future, you can always send us a file to ensure it is a false positive or if indeed is infected..  

Please let me know if you should have any additional questions or assistance!


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