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Office 365 issues


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I have the same problem.

Office 365 update started, MBAR popup "Microsoft....quarantäne" Update runns endless, was stopped. Office Programms was removed.

Online repair with MBAR stopped. Office ist working again (after registration again)


The MBAR is the latest version



  • Finish the detection process and reboot if asked by Anti-Ransomware. Was not asked
  • After reboot disable the Anti-Ransomware protection. No reboot
  • Restore the file from Quarantine and add it to the exclusions. Nothing in quarantine
  • Find the restored EXE file that was quarantined, right-click on it and click "Send To >> Compressed (Zipped) Folder". Attach this ZIP file also to your report. Office was repaired. No Files found.
  • Create a ZIP of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\ and attach it to your post. When I`v time to do
  • Create another ZIP of the directoy C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\ and attach it to your post. Nothing found
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