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post for my friend

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Edit: I just realized that this probably falls under Malware and should be put in another forum. If someone could let me know if I should post it somewhere else, I will and just delete the text in this post.

Oh, and if it helps, she's running a Toshiba, Windows Vista, hopefully whatever the newest service pack is. I just remembered that she also told me that she has clicked on a few pop ups on accident because her mouse is really sensitive.

One of my friends recently contracted a virus, she thinks after downloading a song from Limewire.

She said that after she downloaded the song it didn't work. She also told me that both on the desktop computer in the household and on her laptop, McAfee disagreed with Malwarebytes, which I had downloaded and used to scan both machines, so she had removed it from both. That was annoying because its supposed to get along with AV's, McAfee was having a temper tantrum I guess.

So anyway. Last time I had visited her, she had deleted Google chrome browser off her computer since she didn't like it, but her boyfriend loves the browser so he downloaded it back onto her computer. I opened it to go to the Firefox site since that was gone and I had downloaded it for her before. I opened Chrome and then closed it right after, and McAfee promptly popped up with a notice saying it had removed a Trojan successfully and the pathfile included the Google Chrome name. I then asked her what happened to MBAM since I saw that the icon was gone and she told me about what McAfee had done. After I heard about the McAfee thing, I downloaded MBAM to her computer, scanned, and it found five trojans or so. I then found out about the song download. She got rid of Limewire that night.

After restarting her computer after the mbam scan, I went to IE and googled Mozilla Firefox. I downloaded Firefox for her. I went to my facebook, showed her some pictures, then I logged out. A few popups bombarded us. I thought maybe the pop up option was turned off, so I turned it off, applied, closed the options box, then reopened it and checked off block pop ups. I closed out Firefox, then opened it again. More pop ups bombarded us. I told her that I think she still had something lurking on her computer that McAfee and Mbam weren't able to find. She said well maybe Firefox has a bug in it.

I then told her about HJT and the forums here. I told her she should download it, run the scan like the directions said, and post her log.

So I am not sure if there is a bug in that particular download of Firefox or if there is something lurking on her computer still. And that thing with the trojan in Chrome was weird too.

Any ideas on what may have happened would be appreciated :) The first time I had her run MBAM, it found something called HiJack.DisplayProperties, which I am not sure if she got rid of or not. Other than that, nothing was found until this incident. Of course McAfee didn't find it. I'm just glad I happened to be there that day because otherwise she'd probably have a bunch of trojans lurking around on her computer and would have thought that McAfee took care of it all, which it clearly didn't...

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Thank you victimized.

I'd say that that is probably the problem except it only happens in Firefox, the pop up blocker is on, and she had a bad virus.


I think something might be on her computer or it might be a bug. I'm afraid that just blocking the pop ups isn't really enough.

Hello. I use this when I really get annoyed with ads https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865 . It is a firefox addon i ahve.
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