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I was told by a member having issues logging into my software that malwarebytes thinks both my site & my software loading is malicious


the website. weepforums.com is mybb based there is no obfuscated javascript & if there are any you can compare the md5 with the one you get from mybb.com

i cant see why this triggers as a malicious site. its a mybb forums for minecraft there is no obfuscated javascript, iframe, or other stuff. how is this malicious?


the loading weepserver.com which also triggers malicious is software loading. it opens a connection & closes it instantly afterwards. again how is that malicious? its loading if you paid for our software or not the connection closes right after.


this is kinda bullshit if you ask me. especially because you can CLEARLY see by viewing the html that there is nothing wrong with the website yet its blocked


if i cant get this removed from malwarebytes can somebody atleast tell me why malwarebytes suddenly thinks am malicious after 4 years of not having any issues & 9months of not having any updates made.

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i always loved malwarebytes even used it my self & recommended it many times.

however when am the guy who made the software your falsely flagging as malicious it kinda makes me start to think how accuate this is.

theres nothing that indicates that this is malicious. on what grounds did you base this on? it seems like none what so ever theres nothing remotely malicious about any of it. we been around for 4 years at this point.

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personally as the coder behind this website & software i am unaware of a single line of malicous code. your company & staff members claim other wise however what is malicous about it

if you guys think something i do is malicous then i need to fix it because that isn't the point of my work.

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