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All you need to do is design a new logo and banner for hpHosts. Thats it, nothing more!

You can submit as many or as few entries as you like. Once the closing date is reached, I and the other admin's/moderators shall choose the winning entry. The person that submitted the winning entry shall be notified of this via PM, and provided the prize directly from Eset themselves!. Only once the winner has been notified, shall their nickname (or name if you wish) be published (unless you request otherwise).

The Prize

The prize is a single user licence for NOD32, graciously provided by Eset


The Rules

To keep things simple, there's only two .......

1. Entrants MUST be registered on this forum (entries submitted elsewhere or via e-mail, shall be invalidated). You don't even have to be an hpHosts user!

2. Your entry MUST include both a logo AND banner (entries containing only one of these, shall be invalidated)

Submitting Your Entry

To submit your entry simply reply to this thread, attaching your entries.

Closing Date: Saturday June 30th

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