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Removal instructions for SmartWeb

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What is SmartWeb?


The Malwarebytes research team has determined that SmartWeb is adware. These adware applications display advertisements not originating from the sites you are browsing.


How do I know if my computer is affected by SmartWeb?

You may see this entry in your list of installed programs:



and this Scheduled Task:


How did SmartWeb get on my computer?


Adware applications use different methods for distributing themselves. This particular one was bundled with other software.


How do I remove SmartWeb?


Our program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can detect and remove this potentially unwanted program.

  • Please download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to your desktop.
  • Double-click mbam-setup-version.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.
  • At the end, be sure a check-mark is placed next to the following:
    • Enable free trial of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium
    • Launch Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
  • Then click Finish.
  • If an update is found, you will be prompted to download and install the latest version.
  • Once the program has loaded, select Scan now. Or select the Threat Scan from the Scan menu.
  • When the scan is complete , make sure that everything is set to "Quarantine", and click Apply Actions.
  • Reboot your computer if prompted.
Is there anything else I need to do to get rid of SmartWeb?
  • This PUP creates a scheduled task. You can read here how to check for and, if necessary, remove Scheduled Tasks.
How would the full version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware help protect me?


We hope our application and this guide have helped you eradicate this hijacker.  


As you can see below the full version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware would have protected you against the SmartWeb adware. It would have warned you before the rogue could install itself, giving you a chance to stop it before it became too late.



Technical details for experts


You will see these signs in a HijackThis log:

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SmartWeb] C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exeO4 - Startup: SmartWeb.lnk = {username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe

You may see these signs in FRST logs:

 (SoftBrain Technologies Ltd.) C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe (SoftBrain Technologies Ltd.) C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebApp.exe HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SmartWeb] => C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe [270368 2015-02-17] (SoftBrain Technologies Ltd.) Startup: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SmartWeb.lnk [2015-07-08] ShortcutTarget: SmartWeb.lnk -> C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe (SoftBrain Technologies Ltd.) C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\SmartWeb Upgrade Trigger Task C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWebSmartWeb (HKLM-x32\...\SmartWeb) (Version: 8.0.9 - SoftBrain Technologies Ltd.) <==== ATTENTION


Alterations made by the installer:

File system details [View: All details] (Selection)---------------------------------------------------    Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb       Adds the file __u.exe"="08/07/2015 12:25, 172673 bytes, A       Adds the file SmartWebApp.exe"="17/02/2015 12:00, 557088 bytes, A       Adds the file SmartWebHelper.exe"="17/02/2015 12:00, 270368 bytes, A       Adds the file swhk.dll"="17/02/2015 12:00, 106528 bytes, A       Adds the file uninst.lnk"="08/07/2015 12:25, 1006 bytes, A    Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\LocalLow\SmartWeb\Data       Adds the file 1.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 10335 bytes, A       Adds the file a.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 55599 bytes, A       Adds the file b.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 68530 bytes, A       Adds the file c.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 66389 bytes, A       Adds the file d.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 44204 bytes, A       Adds the file e.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 41227 bytes, A       Adds the file f.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 35768 bytes, A       Adds the file g.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 36462 bytes, A       Adds the file h.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 37333 bytes, A       Adds the file i.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 23157 bytes, A       Adds the file j.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 14466 bytes, A       Adds the file k.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 19869 bytes, A       Adds the file l.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 39635 bytes, A       Adds the file m.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 62764 bytes, A       Adds the file n.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 22263 bytes, A       Adds the file o.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 22847 bytes, A       Adds the file p.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 56132 bytes, A       Adds the file q.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 3578 bytes, A       Adds the file r.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 26982 bytes, A       Adds the file s.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 101077 bytes, A       Adds the file t.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 55888 bytes, A       Adds the file u.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 11378 bytes, A       Adds the file v.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 18618 bytes, A       Adds the file w.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 24781 bytes, A       Adds the file wlu.txt"="04/06/2015 10:12, 54651 bytes, A       Adds the file x.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 1891 bytes, A       Adds the file y.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 5061 bytes, A       Adds the file z.txt"="30/12/2014 00:56, 6097 bytes, A    In the existing folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup       Adds the file SmartWeb.lnk"="08/07/2015 12:25, 1112 bytes, A    In the existing folder C:\Windows\System32\Tasks       Adds the file SmartWeb Upgrade Trigger Task"="08/07/2015 12:25, 4058 bytes, ARegistry details [View: All details] (Selection)------------------------------------------------    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]       "SmartWeb"="REG_SZ", "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe"    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SmartWeb]       "DisplayIcon"="REG_SZ", "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\__u.exe"       "DisplayName"="REG_SZ", "SmartWeb"       "DisplayVersion"="REG_SZ", "8.0.9"       "Publisher"="REG_SZ", "SoftBrain Technologies Ltd."       "UninstallString"="REG_SZ", "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\__u.exe _?=C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb"       "URLInfoAbout"="REG_SZ", "http://www.Smart-Web.me"    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\SmartWeb\Settings]       "activation_date"="REG_SZ", "2015-07-08 10:26:02"       "active_type"="REG_DWORD", 15       "cfg_last_modified"="REG_SZ", "Wed, 08 Jul 2015 10:26:00"       "cfg_time_stamp"="REG_DWORD", 1436351162       "country"="REG_SZ", ""       "current_user"="REG_SZ", "0C976813-BCA0-4F94-BA0F-A8CCA39DAB33"       "cx_server_location"="REG_SZ", "http://xml.smart-web.me/SiteXMLFolder"       "dist_id"="REG_BINARY, ..       "extra_params"="REG_SZ", ""       "group"="REG_SZ", "SW_N"       "impr_type"="REG_DWORD", 5       "installed"="REG_DWORD", 0       "local_machine"="REG_SZ", "607CC739-080027B0CD0E"       "menu_action_url"="REG_SZ", ""       "next_settings_check"="REG_DWORD", 1436408760       "offers_animation_type"="REG_DWORD", 1       "pr_link_style"="REG_SZ", "cursor:pointer;"       "pr_link_tag"="REG_SZ", "DIV"       "pr_link_text"="REG_SZ", "<img src="http://service.smart-web.me/Img/P_Link.png" title="Compare price for this product with SmartWeb " />"       "rs_link_style"="REG_SZ", "cursor:pointer;"       "rs_link_tag"="REG_SZ", "DIV"       "rs_link_text"="REG_SZ", "<img src="http://service.smart-web.me/Img/R_Link_16.png" title="Compare price for this product with SmartWeb " />"       "server_req_url"="REG_SZ", "http://service.smart-web.me/default.aspx"       "service_support"="REG_DWORD", 255       "settings_check_interval"="REG_DWORD", 16       "slider_per_url"="REG_DWORD", 0       "snooze_interval"="REG_DWORD", 8760       "sub_dist_id"="REG_SZ", "-"       "up_impr_count"="REG_DWORD", 0       "up_last_impr"="REG_DWORD", 0       "xml_type"="REG_DWORD", 2
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware log:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malwarewww.malwarebytes.orgScan Date: 08/07/2015Scan Time: 12:37Logfile: mbamSmartweb.txtAdministrator: YesVersion: Database: v2015.07.08.03Rootkit Database: v2015.07.07.01License: PremiumMalware Protection: EnabledMalicious Website Protection: EnabledSelf-protection: DisabledOS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1CPU: x64File System: NTFSUser: {username}Scan Type: Threat ScanResult: CompletedObjects Scanned: 335152Time Elapsed: 4 min, 11 secMemory: EnabledStartup: EnabledFilesystem: EnabledArchives: EnabledRootkits: EnabledHeuristics: EnabledPUP: EnabledPUM: EnabledProcesses: 0(No malicious items detected)Modules: 0(No malicious items detected)Registry Keys: 0(No malicious items detected)Registry Values: 1PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUN|SmartWeb, C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\SmartWebHelper.exe, Quarantined, [afa44b942268122471ca0612f014fb05]Registry Data: 0(No malicious items detected)Folders: 1PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb, Quarantined, [143fe1fe7119bd79e0b87a8be61ed62a], Files: 5PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Users\{username}\Desktop\SmartWebInstaller.exe, Quarantined, [7ed529b6dbaf0a2ce0e3917760a211ef], PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\swhk.dll, Quarantined, [aaa914cb3d4d6cca665d4fb950b23cc4], PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\SmartWeb\uninst.lnk, Quarantined, [143fe1fe7119bd79e0b87a8be61ed62a], PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SmartWeb.lnk, Quarantined, [460dd10ebcce44f289b15ebacf35cb35], PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A, C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\SmartWeb Upgrade Trigger Task, Quarantined, [c58e24bb56347cba0c313eda8282847c], Physical Sectors: 0(No malicious items detected)(end)
As mentioned before the full version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware could have protected your computer against this threat.

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  • Dynamically Blocks Malware Sites & Servers
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