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cleverbridge Customer Support INCOMPETENCE

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Recently, due to an issue I posted at Malwarebytes . . . specifically >> https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/166319-mbamserviceexe-windows-task-manager-mem-usage-for-windows-xp-vs-windows-7/ << . . . lacking a Malwarebytes response that answered my query, I chose to follow a suggestion submitted by Malwarebytes forum member, Nirose


Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided by Malwarebytes at >> https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/146017-mbam-clean-removal-process-2x/ << where I chose the instructions associated with Method 1, because I am a "Paid PRO / PREMIUM version" user whom wants to perform a "(clean reinstall/upgrade)" of MWB.  Those instructions include . . .


Paid PRO / PREMIUM version

  • WARNING: Please make sure you have or obtain your license activation information before running this procedure if you're using the paid PRO or PREMIUM version as this tool will remove all of the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program files, logs, and licensing information from your computer. You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email.
  • You cannot look up your Activation ID and Key from the Registry unless you have a previously licensed 1.x version installed.  Fresh installs now encrypt that data so make very sure you have your ID and Key before you proceed.  Previous 1.x PRO versions did store the ID and Key in the following locations of the Registry but a clean fresh install of version 2.0 will not store it in the Registry.

Location for Windows x86 32-Bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Location for Windows x64 64-Bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

If you cannot locate your license activation information in the Registry and no longer have access to your order number you can contact cleverbridge to obtain information about your order including license registration and activation information. Please note that cleverbridge does not offer technical support for any products. They will only provide you with your order information: Contact cleverbridge customer service If you purchased Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from another vendor or reseller and still require the license activation information you will need to contact that vendor or reseller to obtain the information before you proceed otherwise you will not be able to re-activate the product.

  • When ready please proceed with the following:
  • Make sure you disable the program Self Protection if you've enabled it. 
  • From Settings -> Advanced Settings -> uncheck the "Enable self-protection module" and close the program
  • Please download mbam-clean.exe from here to your desktop and save it.
  • Please close all open applications and temporarily shutdown your antivirus to avoid any conflicts when running the tool.
  • Locate the file mbam-clean.exe and double-click to run it and follow the onscreen prompts.
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, ensure that your antivirus is enabled and download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from here and save it to your desktop. 
  • Now close all open applications including your browser and again temporarily disable your antivirus as before and launch the Malwarebytes installer you just downloaded.
  • Please make sure to uncheck the Trial checkmark near the end of the installation.
  • Please make sure you check for updates at the end of the installation as well. The program should automatically update the database.
  • Launch the program and click on the Activation button. Then copy and paste your activation ID and Key into the dialog box. This should automatically enable Protection and offer to add an automated update schedule which you should allow or ensure that you create one on your own to keep the program updated.
  • Now setup any file exclusions as may be required for your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and then enable your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask and we'll explain how to do it.
  • Restart the computer again and verify that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is in the task tray running

Because I "cannot locate your license activation information in the Registry" due to Malwarebytes ENCRYPTING this information I entered when I installed the software I purchased (a total of two Malwarebytes PRO at $24.95 each) from Newegg on 30 May 2014, I followed the instructions and submitted an email via the instruction's link >> Contact cleverbridge customer service


With attachment, I submitted the following text via the Contact cleverbridge customer service web form as follows . . .


After purchasing two copies of MWB Pro from Newegg (about a year ago) and installing each on different PCs, where I am having an issue on my Windows XP SP3 machine . . . as noted here . . . https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/166319-mbamserviceexe-windows-task-manager-mem-usage-for-windows-xp-vs-windows-7/ . . . I want to perform a CLEAN install of MWB Premium on my XP SP3 machine and I cannot locate my license activation information.

Licensed, and registered at XX:XX:XX on XX/XX/2014, my Identifier is XXXXX-XXXXX. (information intentionally omitted for this posting).

Please forward my KEY and ID so I can reinstall MWB Premium and, hopefully, resolve my current MWB issue.

Thank you.




Unfortunately, I received a reply, IMO, that strongly suggests the Malwarebytes staffer did not read my email.  The staffer's reply reads . . .

Thank you for your message.

We have been unable to identify any order in our system associated with your name or e-mail address.

If you are certain that the order was processed by cleverbridge, can you provide us with your reference number or perhaps an alternative e-mail that you may have used when you placed the order?

Otherwise, for any technical or product related inquiries we would recommend reaching out to Malwarebytes for technical support.

Malwarebytes can be reached at:

Support page: http://www.malwarebytes.org/support/
Knowledge base: https://helpdesk.malwarebytes.org/hc/en-us

Thank you for your cooperation.

Recognizing the detail I provided - specifically stating, "After purchasing to copies of MWB Pro from Newegg (about a year ago)..." and "... my  Identifier is XXXXX-XXXXX..." as well as the attachment (screen shot image) confirming my Identifier - after reading this staffer's reply, specifically "If you are certain that the order was processed by cleverbridge..." and "Otherwise, for any technical or product related inquiries we would recommend reaching out to Malwarebytes for technical supportI can only conclude that the Malwarebytes stafter DID NOT READ OR COMPREHEND MY EMAIL. 


Reading "If you are certain that the order was processed by cleverbridge...:angry:  My web from submission stated, "After purchasing to copies of MWB Pro from Newegg (about a year ago)..."


I strongly believe that I have provided the information necessary for Malwarebytes to reply with my KEY and ID so I can reinstall MWB Premium, but it appears that due to a communicatioin "comprehension" issue, IMO, I am limited to cleverbridge Customer Support INCOMPETENCE.


At this point I have no idea what to do - due to my failure :wacko:to keep the Malwarebytes retail packaging (a box) received from Newegg or document my ID and KEY - where the ID and KEY were inked on the bottom flap of the box (if my memory serves me).


CurlySue :angry2:


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Sorry you are having issues.


I am just a home user and forum volunteer.

So, I cannot resolve your issue.

And licensing issues are not generally resolvable here in the forum, as no one here has access to license info.


However, I can explain a couple of points:

  • First, cleverbridge maintains records ONLY for MBAM licenses sold through the Malwarebytes online store.  That is explained here.
  • Alas, the information provided by @Nirose (a new forum member with one post) likely was well-meaning, but incorrect.
  • So, you would need to contact Newegg to try to look up your license ID and Key information, if you no longer have any records of the Newegg transaction or the confirmation email with the license info.  If you purchased MBAM on a boxed CD from Newegg, and you did not keep the box contents with the license info (usually on the CD sleeve or a card), then I'm not sure they will be able to provide the info, either. 
  • Workaround: While you are sorting out the license issue, you can install version and enable the default 14-day trial of the premium paid features on your computer.  That will provide the full functionality of the paid, Premium version, while you try to get the license problem resolved.  This trial can only be used one time per computer, but it will provide full protection for the 14 days before reverting back to the Free, manual, on-demand version.

Perhaps one of the MBAM staff may be able to assist you further.


I hope you get it straightened out.


Thank you,

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