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I am using Windows 8, and have had Anti-Malware Premium installed for a couple of years.The problem I am continuing to have is updating from an older version of the program to a newer version, such as the recent update to version 2.1.4. When an update is released, there is no way to download the update from the program on my computer. There is also no way to download the update from Malwarebytes Home Page. There is also no way to contact anyone at Malwarebytes that could provide help, and I have been unable to find any help on the forum's pages. A year or so ago I was able to get a reply from the company after posting a nasty message on their Facebook page. I kept an email I received from someone at customer non-support That email said what I had to do was uninstall the program, reinstall the new version, then re-activate my account. That is stupid, and I have reached the end of the road. Is there anyone who can provide a realistic way to download a program update. I am so tired of going through this process that I am seriously considering dropping this program and going with one that knows what they are doing.

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First, as stated here in this news post, the new version is not yet available through the program's internal auto-updater.

That process will start next week, or when the product team decides to do so.


The new version is available for new downloads only at this time.  We won’t be enabling updates for current customers until early next week (just in an effort to stagger the release).  If you’re a current user and you want the update early, you’re always welcome to download and install the new version over any older version you’re running now.


Next, the current version of the installer ( *is* available from the company's product download page.

The direct link is right here or here


Finally, you may wish to either upgrade on top of your existing build, or to perform a clean upgrade.

Instructions for that are here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


If you need further assistance with installing or running the program, please start a new topic in the MBAM Support forum here.


Thank you,

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