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MBAM dashboard displaying the wrong time for the next scheduled scan

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(This is really a report of what I consider to be a bug but I couldn't find a place to report bugs.  Perhaps someone could forward this?)


My MBAM is set up to check for updates at 2-hourly intervals and to do a Threat Scan at 12:45 every day.  And it seems to do these tasks as planned.


But, after doing the scheduled scan, the Dashboard still reports the timestamp of the "Next scheduled scan" as that which has already been done.   See screensots in the attachment. 


Or perhaps I've misunderstood completely!


Please note that I regard this as a mainly cosmetic issue. albeit one that ought to be fixed.  I don't want to do anything with my installation as it works fine otherwise.


Apologies if this has already been discussed - couldn't find anything.




Windows 7 32 bit

MBAM Premium



MBAM shows wrong time of last scan.doc

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That's a known logging/display bug that is due for fixing soon (perhaps with the next version release coming up in the next month or so).

(In some cases, the bug becomes obvious when the user has the setting enabled to "check for updates before scanning".  As scheduled update checks are randomized +/- 15 minutes, so, too, are the subsequent scans. That throws off the GUI display for "next scheduled scan".)


Until this is fixed:

You can verify that scheduled scans (and update checks) are running as planned by opening the GUI > History > Application Logs.

The scan logs will show that the scans are running.

The protection logs will show that the update checks are running (when there is an available update -- a check that runs when there is no available database update is not logged).  And you can mouse over the system tray icon to see what database version is installed.



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