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Zoomify... Ack!

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So, this zoomify virus has attacked my laptop.  I have run Malwarebytes several times and it quarantines it, but then continually reappears.  When windows opens immediately goes to "fake" blue screen with scam tech help number, and unable to use keyboard.  So, can only use laptop in safe mode.  Can anyone offer some help to an only vaguely tech savy gal?



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Hello and :welcome: :

We are not permitted to work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue and will walk you through the process, step by step.


>>If the computer is so crippled that you cannot even run the preliminary scans suggested in the pinned topic, then please just start a new topic in the malware removal section anyway, explaining the situation. The helpers there will have other methods and tools to try to help you.


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You're most welcome.


Once you start your new topic in the malware removal area, please be patient waiting for expert help.

The forum is quite busy, most of the helpers are volunteers, and it is a holiday.

It might be 48 hours before an expert is available to assist.

In the interim, please do not "bump" the post -- doing so will convey the appearance that you are being helped and could lead to further delay.

(This is all explained in that pinned topic I mentioned in my previous reply. :) )


Thank you again,

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