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Enable "Malicious Website Protection" automatically won't stay enabled

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Hello and :welcome: :



Please start here: Malicious Website Protection disabled

If that advice and restarting the computer don't resolve the issue, please continue with these steps:

  • Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Please let us know how it goes.


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I ran through all the suggestions following them to the letter, rebooted, reinstalled, etc.  Malicious Website Protection still toggles to Disabled.


I tried to follow the log file suggestion, but Norton AV won't allow me to download the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool.  Claims it isn't "safe".



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FRST is perfectly safe.

The developer, farbar, is an Expert member at this forum.

The FRST tool is used 100s or 1000s of times daily here, at bleepingcomputer.com and at other malware removal forums.

It is essentially a "false positive" detection by Norton.


If you TEMPORARILY disable Norton, you should be able to download and run the tool.

Then, re-enable Norton.

Then, please post back with the 3 requested logs from both scanning tools attached to your next reply, as previously suggested.

Without diagnostic logs, it's impossible for anyone to determine the cause or the solution for the issue you reported. :(


Alternatively, you may wish to seek free, expert help over in the malware removal section of the forum or at the help desk for email support.

These options are explained in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

(However, the helpers in either venue are likely to ask for the same FRST logs to start the troubleshooting process.)


Thank you,

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This is probably a really "dumb" question, and might be slightly annoying, but I've always been told there is NO such thing as a stupid question. So here it goes...


I did follow the steps within this Pinned "Malicious Website Protection" Forum" and it DID indeed work perfectly fine (thus, I'm NOT having ANYMORE problems with the notification error), but I was wondering is the reason or cause of this problem or affliction a glitch in the MalwareBytes GUI window/program or a cause perhaps of sometimes letting your PC sit in "sleep" mode for a couple days without RESTARTING? If so, are they going to address it in the NEXT update?



Sincerely Thanks,


Joe W.

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Hi, cpp_progjoe: :)
There's really no way to say for sure.
The issue with the "malicious website protection" module can have a number of different causes.
Each computer is unique.
So, without some diagnostic logs from your system, we cannot know in hindsight what might have caused it.

Along these same lines, this topic was started by SamCKayak.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic", as a cause/solution for one computer may not apply to another system.
So, if you would like help with this, I suggest that you please start a NEW, SEPARATE forum topic using this clickable cjfj.png button.
The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help.



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Hi, cpp_progjoe: :)


There's really no way to say for sure.

The issue with the "malicious website protection" module can have a number of different causes.

Each computer is unique.

So, without some diagnostic logs from your system, we cannot know in hindsight what might have caused it.


Along these same lines, this topic was started by SamCKayak.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic", as a cause/solution for one computer may not apply to another system.

So, if you would like help with this, I suggest that you please start a NEW, SEPARATE forum topic using this clickable cjfj.png button.

The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help.




     There's NO need, I'm fine. The problem was resolved by following the steps in the "pinned" forum entry started by user/Admin AdvancedSetup (actually Started & Ended). I just was wondering if the person(s) who Started & Responded to THIS thread (which I chose because it had the most replies and the most helpful responses) knew if it was a application/program glitch or a result of keeping one's PC in "Sleep" Mode too long. I just thought since the originally 'pinned' post was from October 2014, the higher up(s) or people who had responded within THIS forum entry had known the cause or root of the affliction or occurence? Like you've said, the cause might be multiplex or different for any ONE or MANY computers or PCs, and in many cases the unique aspect of each system or machine might be the REASON in whole. I'm a programmer, I understand the idea of individual versus collective causes and effects, and the collaborative results that spring from their existences and realities. The problem was solved by following 6 simple steps (actually 4), it is holding strong right now, and I'm satified. I was just curious - assuming at the time, that the developers and those who had this problem previously had some insight as to the cause of such occurence - if it was known for SURE if it was a glitch within the GUI, glitch within the inerts of the program, or a cause of perhaps keeping your PC in "Sleep" Mode too long? It would seem it might be a possible combo of ALL, some, or NONE - maybe even perpetually unknown and random. In any case, it really doesn't apply to me anymore, because it has been resolved!


Thank You For Your Response, Effort, Time, Etc. & Happy Holidays,


Joe W.

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Hi, Joe:


Once again, we cannot say for sure without more information about your system, as each computer is unique.

And, again, as this topic was started by SamCKayak, we would respectfully ask that you please start your own, new, separate topic if you would like help or wish to further discuss the subject.

(Continuing to post in another user's thread is considered "hijacking", even when it is well-intentioned.  At the very least, it creates confusion for all parties.)


Thanks very much for your understanding, and Happy Holidays to you, as well,

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