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Cannot update to new version. MBAM closes whenever I try.

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I have the free version of Malwarebytes installed. The version number is


About a week or so ago, I opened the program to do a routine periodic scan and received a message that a new version was available, and I was then asked if I wanted to upgrade to the new version now or later.


I went ahead and clicked the button to upgrade now, but as soon as I did, the program simply closed.


I have tried several times since then to perform the update but without any success. Every time that I try, the same thing happens, i.e., Malwarebytes just closes up and goes away. No error messages or anything.


I thought about just doing a clean uninstall/reinstall, but before doing so, I thought I should report the issue first. 


Also, I have a few questions that I would like to ask:


1.) Is this a known issue? If yes, what's the cause, and is there a simple fix?


2.) I know that MBAM stores logs of any scans performed, but what about error logs? That is, does MBAM maintain any sort of error logs which might possibly show the reason for the issue that I'm experiencing?


3.) Should I just go ahead and proceed with doing a clean uninstall/reinstall, hoping that everything will be fine after that? Or instead, is something else recommended? If yes, what?



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Hello and welcome back:


Let's start here:

  • Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Please let us know how it goes.


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Thanks for your reply.


I'm going out in a few minutes, but when I return, I'll go ahead and try your advice.


In the meantime, if you could answer these three questions, I would really appreciate it.


1.) I have a pro version of a clean uninstaller that monitors programs as they are installed. Supposedly, being that it actively monitors the entire installation process, if a program should ever need to be uninstalled, this uninstaller is supposed to be capable of removing virtually every trace of it.


Can I use this? My thought is that it would be just as good (or possibly even better) than the MBAM removal tool? What do you think?


2.) You said, "Please let us know how it goes." Sure, but he problem with that is, prior to attempting to upgrade my current version of Malwarebytes to the newest version, my current version has been working perfectly fine all along. Not a single glitch—until a new version was released and the update process revealed one.


So, what I'm getting at is, after I do an uninstall/reinstall, how will I actually know whether or not everything is actually fine? It will probably be several months (or longer) before a new version is released again, so after I do the whole uninstall/reinstall thing, the new version may appear to be working perfectly fine as well—until another upgrade is released, revealing the same glitch. Right? Is there any way to run any sort of diagnostics on the installed version?


3. ) In my initial post, I asked if any sort of error logs are stored by Malwarebytes, but you never addressed that, so I have no idea whether it stores any or not, but if it does, before I go ahead and uninstall it, are there any such error logs that I should pull from the program and save for you?



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The steps suggested in my previous reply are typically the most efficient way to get back up and running, which is what most users want.

If the clean reinstall doesn't resolve the problem reported (unable to update to the current version), then the diagnostic logs often shed light into the underlying cause.


Your specific questions:


1) No, please follow the recommended best practices for a clean reinstall using the Malwarebytes removal tool, rather than a 3rd-party uninstaller. Please be sure to reboot the system when prompted. (You didn't say what this other program is. But, whatever program it is, in fact, it may be contributing to the updating problems you report, if it is somehow blocking the upgrade. So, you might want to disable or temporarily uninstall this other program in order to facilitate the MBAM upgrade.)


2) If the program is working properly after a clean upgrade, then no further diagnostics need to be run.


3) If you do run into problems with the program at any point, then the Diagnostic Logs mentioned in my original reply would help to shed light on many possible causes. If they do not reveal the source of a problem, then the user is typically referred to another area of the forum, where other tools can be used with the help of trained experts to more deeply scan the system for issues (malware, corruption, failing hard drive, etc.).


Honestly, you might be over-thinking all of this and making it harder than it needs to be. :)



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