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Scan times changing (threat scan quicker/ custom scan longer)?

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as of last night I've had some the scan times had changed dramatically (or well seems dramatic to me). I have scan in archives and scan for rootkits enabled, a threat scan used to take between 30 and 50 minutes (depending if I was using the PC at the time) but as of last night its only taking between 11 and 15 minutes. Between now and then the only changes I made was that I uninstalled a bunch of games I had not played in months and ran an Avast boot time scan. Also last night I ran a custom MBAM scan of all my drive (a 1 TB c drive and a 500 gb d drive) with archives and root kits enabled and it took nearly 3 hours. Which seems on the long side to me. 


The avast boot scan came up with nothing as did the mbam custom scan, I have been running avast and mbam side by side for nearly a year now and they've never interfered with each other so I'm hesitant to call avast the culprit in this case. Both Avast and MBAM are pro paid versions and fully up to date. I ran the Avast boot time scan because it had popped up with a threat warning of a GOG.com game (Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete), that pop up got stuck in a loop and I couldn't get rid of it. So I uninstalled that game (hadnt played it since the summer) and restarted my pc.


I don't know if its relevant but it had said nwn2server.exe was a trojan that was targeting rundll32.exe, the file was in the right folder though (c:/ GOG games). The odd thing was that I was away from the pc at the time, and I hadn't tried to run that program and Avast wasn't doing a scheduled scan (those happen on sunday). Which is why I did a boot time scan to see if anything was left. So far outside of MBAM seemingly skipping files in threat scan everything seems fine.


Any help, or expert eyes to tell me everything's normal is appreciated.


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