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Freezes Whole PC Twice When Malwarebytes Is Run

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Acer 2.5ghz laptop core2duo, 4gb Ram, Windows XP 32 bit SP3, premium version of Malwarebytes.


Previously no isssues. Latest version of Malwarebytes causes the whole PC to hang/freeze for 20 seconds almost immediately Malwarebytes is run seemingly during the preparation phase. Nothing on the PC functions at all. After 20 secs the machine unfreezes and runs normally only to have the same thing occur after 30 secs or so normal operation. After this second freeze machine runs properly from then on.


Happens if I start Malwarebytes in any manner at all. Does not occur at Windows startup. Very disconcerting, causes problems for programs such as WinSCP accessing files on remote servers, disconnected due to timeouts, then WinSCP often has to be killed manually.


Avast is my a/v tool, Sygate Personal Firewall is my default firewall. Malwarebytes has always worked well with these tools in the past. No infections, regularly run (once a month) super antispyware (not installed) spyware search and destroy (only installed when I run it), clamwin and ComboFix. Machine runs very well and has no infections.


I like Malwarebytes and have run it for years, all my clients have it on my recommendation. Latest version seems a lot 'heavier' in operation. These freezes are killing my confidence.

Had to disable the daily scheduled scans as my machine would seem to lock up for no apparent reason. Each time a scan had kicked off in the background. ctrl/alt+ del had no effect, machine thoroughly locked for 15-25 secs, twice in a row, every time.


Any thoughts please?


PS I normally activate Malwarebytes on a right click on a folder in explorer. When the scan runs, although the total file numbers are listed, the actual file names are not shown - It would be really useful to know what Malwarebytes is scanning at this moment. It would give confidence as well as idea of progress.







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Hello and :welcome: :
Since you're running XP, I presume that this might be "older" hardware?
You might want to have a look at this FAQ topic >>HERE<< to see if the suggestions there help to resolve the issue.
Otherwise, routine troubleshooting starts with these steps:

Please post back and let us know how it goes.


Thank You,

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