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False Positive ? outgoing website blocking - Dashlane sync


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Hi -- i didn't find this elsewhere, so ...


for the past month (almost) every time i sync my Dashlane password manager

MalwareBytes pops up a blocked outgoing attempt to "washgingpost.com"

note the extra "G" in the domain name. (and this event is logged in the malwayrebytes protection/detection history)


WELL, when i first looked a few weeks ago, i did find that I/me had crated a Dashlane credential with that Typo,

and when i deleted it (from all my devices) the detection pop-up was Not triggered -- for a while.


Then once in a while, even with the typo credential deleted, the malwarebytes blocking popup returns for washG....


And the blocking pop-up happens when i have the correct washingtonpost.com domain in my Dashlane credentials


And the malwarebytes pop-up isn't triggered if i delete the correct credential -- 


but then the blocking returns even with no washingtonpost credential in Dashlane.


i suspect the typo version of my washingtonpost credential may be persisting in the Dashlane cloud and maybe triggering MalwareBytes 


 "washGingtonpost.com and" have a bad reputation in web chatter as malicious sites.

so i'm glad malwarebytes is blocking them ... but


I do not find a solution with multiple use of Hitmanpro, CCleaner or Malwarebytes scans (just suspicious cookies)

and i'm running Kaspersky Internet Security (which does not block  or detect "washgingpost.com" during scans


Could this be (in part) a false positive by malwarebytes? (sorry to suggest on such tenuous evidence)







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