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Homepage hijacked to About:Blank?

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  • Root Admin

AboutBuster 6.0 now removes




How you know you have it.

You have any of the above variants if your homepage is hijacked to About:Blank and does not want to reset and when you receive many popups when starting Internet Explorer

You have CWS.HomeSearch when your homepage is hijacked to a website that contains res:// in the address bar followed by a random .dll name.

You have CWS.SeDLL when your homepage is hijacked to a website that contains se.dll in the address bar and it is within the temporary folder.

You have CWS.MfPlay when you are experiencing the same symptoms as CWS.HomeSearch but instead of a random dll entry, the dll is mfplay.dll.


Removal is now simpler than ever.

Step 1. Download AboutBuster 6.0 and unzip it to your desktop.

Step 2. Boot your machine into safe mode (Optional step), recommended.

Step 3. Run AboutBuster 6.0 and select "Begin Removal". Make sure you click "Yes" to every message box that appears.

Step 4. Restart your computer and run AboutBuster one final time.

If you experience any problems, please e-mail me at the address within the program or by clicking my user name and selecting e-mail.




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