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Having some issue with MBAM 2

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I got similiar problem. After couple of minutes (it's random) even hour, two...


Web sites in IE9 won't load at all... (Sometimes they will load, but after minutes).


But restarting the browser helps, websites will load again. It started exactly the same day of upgrading to MBAM v2.


Can't 100% say it's really MBAM causing it though.


I ran a lot of scanners, nothing found, and I'm very carefull, I doubt I have some malware.

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Also I wanted to add that it looks like the problem occurs when MBAM update itself. I always check database version of MBAM when the problem occurs, and it's always newer version. It occurs right after the update, or 8 minutes later, or 10 minutes later (I checked the log).


But it could be coincidence, since MBAM is set to update itself every hour.

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It would be best if you started your own thread, as your problm may or may not be related to fivealive's, and Advanced Setup will probably ask you to run the same tool.


As for editing, to prevent spamming, you have to reach a post count of 100 before you are allowed to edit.

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