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Yahoo wants to run the following ActiveX control. What is it?

This wesite wants to run the following add-on: 'TODO - <file description>'

from TODO: <company name> (unverified publisher)'. If you trust the website and the add-on and

want it to run, click here...

I just had my pc recovered from a rootkit attack with the help of AdvancedSetup & I wonder about

some of these add-ons that don't show who they are. In the meantime, I'll continue to clcik on the

"X" to close the add-on pop-up.



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At this question I will quote TMacK (moderator of bleepingcomputer):

It's an IE activex add-on and you don't really have to add it.

To prevent it from popping-up all the time, go ahead and run it, then disabled it on IE/Manage Add-ons.

Since it's not recommended to add 'unverified' activex add-ons, quickly disable it or simply ignore it.

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