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I use a mouse and keep seeing the mouse pad take over. Is that a habit of Toshiba or can it be done by radio, ham or cb? I can see that mouse arrow change to a circle about the size of the head of a tack and when I looked up ELAN there was a video and that had that very same circular button instead of a arrow for the mouse? I opened up Task Manager and saw that the ELAN was running and when I looked it up on line it dropped off the services list . Thanks I can't believe what a geat team you have

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Hi whonew,


Does this behavior happen all the time when you are using your computer, or only during specific actions like typing? With touch pads like this, the typical culprit is that your wrist or another part of your hand will accidentally brush against the touch pad while typing and cause the mouse to move around. The circular button you're describing may also be because the touch pad is recognizing a button press on accident. If this only happens during typing, you may want to turn down the sensitivity of your touch pad. Alternatively, if you're using a mouse, it may be a good idea to disable the touch pad completely so that it doesn't interfere with your other input device.

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Thank you, I see it mostly when scrolling up or down the screen and I use a hand held mouse so , I am sure it is not the pad I think I did disable the Elan , and the last time this was cleaned with the aid of a malwarebyts technician, those folders were placed in quarantine so I am guessing it was a bug of some kind . And while I have your help , should I go in and delete all those files that AdwCleaner put in a Quarantine with a lock on them. Oh, I forgot to mention that one day I repeatedly heard the mouse click and I was not doing it, then a ad or summon for ObamaCare came up and wanted me to fill  in a petition of some kind and I had no control of the mouse what-so-ever and it would not let me shut it down on Facebook so I went in to Task Manager and pick end process on the flash player and a firefox ad on I think is what it was called

Thank you for responding

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Hi whonew,


Can you describe the circular button a little more? Does it look something a circle with arrows pointing in 4 directions? If so, then I think this may be showing up as a function of your mouse. Most mice have an option to push in the mouse wheel like a button, activating a scroll option that lets you quickly scroll across pages by moving the mouse. If that is the case then we can try changing your browser settings to disable this option.


As far as AdwCleaner quarantine items, if you are not using them and have not noticed any changes since they were quarantined, it's probably safe to delete them. Just know that by deleting these you won't have an option to restore them later if you need them. I'm not really sure about the other web-page you mentioned; it sounds as if a pop-up window opened multiple pages at once. Some browsers play a click noise when you open a new page, so that might explain the noises you heard as it kept opening a string of new webpages. If it only happened once I wouldn't be too concerned, but if it continually shows up you may want to look into cleaning up your computer.

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  • 2 months later...

That circular object where my pointer should have been looked like the head of a tack, it was white and don't recall the direction. I did disable the Elan , which I had done once before and I have not seen it sense. I was not an arrow pointing in four directions.

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