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Some tips for problems running/updating

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I manage a help desk of almost 700 laptops at a private school. Needless to say, I see a lot of spyware. Our school uses a corporate version of Sophos and I'll say that I am less than impressed. A few weeks ago, I used malwarebytes and now I'm divorcing my wife for it. (Not really, but I am that impressed). I plan to convince our director to go the MBAM route when our Sophos contract runs out. If the active protection is as good as the cleaner, I WILL DIVORCE MY WIFE FOR IT!

I have come across two issues recently and am offering my resolutions.

1:) The update crashes halfway through.

Solution. Download the update rules from the website and apply it. Scan with your newly updated client to clean up the program that is preventing it, then reupdate through the client and scan again.

2:) The program won't install.

Solution. This one was tricky and it was new, since I had about 10 systems come in this morning with this issue. I fixed it by renaming the installer and installing the program to a different location other than program files. Then I renamed the program executable. It worked like a charm and found Jimmy Hoffa's body. WOW, it found rootkits, worms, trojans, etc. I had to scan three times to clean it all up.

I hope these help.

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