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A challenge for Malware Bytes Removal team

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I have taken Xara off the computers for the time being because I think it is suspect in this and I will probably have to take any of the other programs I have off that contain servers or downloaders. ie Magix music maker because it always has a server running in your background programs. I guess turning off anything that runs on autopilot as far as updating goes needs to be shut down because even if you are not on the net the program is still running and probably allows the virus to run from one cleaned area back through again . The old never ending circle trick :)

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Good evening.

@BaffleD, it is probably best if you make your own topic. Your issues might be similar but its a different machine. Feel free to follow this one in addition though. :)


The current method for removing BIOS infections (or proposed method) is via flashing, as the article mentions. By flashing you will wipe the old BIOS and it will be replaced. Your best shot is to do this, then reformat and see how things are.

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hahah great time trying to flash the bios.............................I am afraid the infection has modded the one in my system I am getting errors saying my battery is full and the power is plugged in and the bios is higher than the one I am trying to use. Talk about a self protecting infection or hack. And Toshiba do not support doss flash. It has to be done from within windows .............a very foolish thing for the manufacture's to do considering it gives their customers no ability to fix things if windows fails. I will see what I can find to remedy the situation.. But the Toshiba forums are pretty sparse with good info

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yes tried it a number of times a number of ways .............Its taken me some time but I have now found a solution that worked for both the bios as well as the hard drive block. I wont post the solution here I guess because the same people that did this to my computers are also reading these posts. In fact I wont post anything until I can prove what I am doing works for all of my computers. I can tell you turning off internal networking in your bios makes a huge difference.

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and y the way I am now using the fourth disk in the instillation :) as was normal.. I will know fully in in another 27 hrs whether I am completely successful........it will take that long to write the disk with zeros and 1s.. But so far I am back in control of both bios and hard drive. :):D :D I know this because I don't get the second bios screen any more :D

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